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Product Help | Whirlpool

C81, C82 or C83 - Range

Possible Solutions

Turn off the oven if it is operating.

  • The surface cooking area has overheated and the automatic shutoff was activated. 
  • Wait 5 minutes, for it to cool down, then turn the cooktop back on.
  • Verify cooktop operation.

Reset power to the product:

  • Power unit down by turning off the circuit breaker(s) for one (1) minute.
  • Power unit up by turning on the circuit breaker(s).
  • Monitor the cooktop for one (1) minute to ensure the error code does not display again.
  • Verify cooktop operation.

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Still need help? Contact us or schedule service.

Please contact us or click below to make an appointment from our preferred list of service providers for service on your appliances.

Interested in purchasing an Extended Service Plan?

Please click below to learn more on how you can save up to 25% on New Appliance Extended Service Plans within 30 days of your appliance purchase.

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