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Product Help | Whirlpool

Spray Arm Not Working - Dishwasher

Possible Solutions

Have you cleaned the dishwasher?

Extremely hard water mineral deposits can cause damage to your dishwasher and make it difficult to achieve good cleaning. A water softener is strongly recommended if your hardness is 15 grains or more.  This residue builds up on internal components (such as the spray arms) as well as your dishes, and dishwasher interior. Use of a dishwasher cleaning product such as affresh® Dishwasher Cleaner can help to remove the residue. Monthly use of affresh® Dishwasher Cleaner is recommended to help maintain the dishwasher. 

CLICK HERE for additional information on cleaning 

Cleans even where you can't see

affresh® cleans deep inside your appliances reaching components such as the tub, racks, pump, valves, drain, and recirculation hoses.

Cleaners are available at many retailers or can be purchased here at affresh®.

affresh logo1.jpg

Was the dishwasher correctly loaded?

If the dishwasher was not properly loaded, it could cause the spray arms not to work correctly.  Check to make sure items are not blocking and/or preventing the spray arms from turning. If taller items (placed in the bottom rack) are preventing the spray arms from turning, the top rack may need to be adjusted.  

To test: After loading the dishwasher, gently turn the spray arm.  If the spray arm does not freely turn the dishwasher may need to be reloaded. 

CLICK HERE for additional information on proper loading

Was "Top Rack Only" selected?

For added convenience, this cycle is for washing a small load of dishes using only the top rack.  If this cycle was selected ,the lower or bottom spray arms will not engage and will not clean the lower rack dishes. 

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