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Product Help | Whirlpool

Removing Odors in your Dishwasher

How to Remove Odors from Your Whirlpool Dishwasher:

Common Dishwasher Smells

  • Plastic Smell: This is a normal smell and should dissipate with time (about two weeks). Try running a white vinegar rinse or using affresh® to help remove the odor. 
  • Spoiled Food: Dishes are not washed frequently. If the dishes are not going to be right away, run a "Rinse and Hold" or "Rinse Only" cycle. 
  • Petroleum Smell: This is a normal smell. Some models have sound-deadening material that smells like petroleum. This is normal and should dissipate in 4-6 weeks.
  • Varnish Smell: This is a typical motor smell. Some motor windings are treated with a varnish. This smell will wear off in approximately one month.

Is there a musty, spoiled smell?

Standing water in the dishwasher can cause this smell. Ensure the dishwasher is draining correctly by checking the following: 

  • Check for any food or obstructions caught in the drain or the garbage disposer. Run the disposer to clear the obstruction.
  • Clean the filter regularly.  Cleaning the filters periodically helps keep the dishwasher working at peak performance. The filters can be found at the bottom center of your dishwasher. When to clean the filter: 
    • There is degradation in cleaning performance (soils still present on dishes).
    • Dishes feel gritty to the touch.
    • Water is left in the bottom of the dishwasher.

Does the Dishwasher need to be cleaned?

Run the dishwasher through a complete washing cycle (or clean cycle) using an air-dry or an energy-saving dry option using affresh® Dishwasher Cleaner. Do not use detergent. Using affresh® Dishwasher Cleaner monthly to maintain freshness and keep the filters and dispenser clean.

Cleans even where you can't see

affresh® cleans deep inside your appliances reaching components such as the tub, racks, pump, valves, drain, and recirculation hoses.

Cleaners are available at many retailers or can be purchased here at affresh®.

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