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Product Help | Whirlpool

Leaking from Back - All-In-One Washer Dryer

Possible Solutions

Is the Inlet Hose Secure?

Check to see if the water is coming from where the inlet hose is connected to the washer and to the faucet. Make sure that both ends of the inlet hose contain the hose washers. Make sure that all of the connections are tight. If necessary, tighten the connections to avoid leaks. Do not over-tighten. See the Installation Instructions for details.

Is the drain hose loose? Are there signs of the household drain backing up?

Make sure that the household drain is not backing up. Check for blocked drains. The sink and drainpipe must be able to carry away no less than 17 gallons (64 L) of water per minute. The water can back up from the drainpipe or sink if clogged or slow.

Check the household plumbing (laundry tub, faucets, drain pipe, and water pipes) for leaks.

The drain hose in the drainpipe should be secure, not sealed. Securing the drain hose will keep it from coming loose from the drain. See the Installation Instructions for details.

CLICK HERE for more information on the drain hose connection

Are you using HE High-Efficiency detergent? 

Always use only HE detergent. Using non-HE detergent or more than the manufacturer's recommended amount of detergent can cause excessive suds, which can lead to the washer leaking, draining concerns, and/or poor rinsing performance. 

Whirlpool recommends using Swash® Laundry Detergent. It is designed to work in both high-efficiency (HE) and non-HE washing machines. With an 8x concentrated formula, you’ll use about a quarter of the detergent you’d need with a traditional 2x concentration detergent. It may look like a small amount, but you’ll be amazed at its effectiveness.

CLICK HERE for more information on using HE detergent

Flipping the detergent world on its cap.

Just flip it, squeeze it, and start your laundry cycle. With this easy squeeze, you get the right amount and the clean you want every time. 

Shop Swash® HE Ultra-Concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent.

swash logo.png

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