Leaking Water from Behind - Commercial Grade Washer
Possible Solutions
Are Inlet Hoses secured and washers in place?
Check to see if the washer is leaking where the inlet hoses are connected to the washer and to the house water supply. Make sure that both ends of both inlet hoses contain the hose washers. Make sure that all the connections are tight.
CLICK HERE for more information on proper inlet hose installation
Are the inlet hoses connected to the correct port?
Verify that the cold water inlet is connected to the cold port and that the hot water inlet is connected to the hot port on the back of the washer. Also, Tighten the hose connections.
Is the drain hose loose? Are there signs of the household drain backing up?
Make sure that the household drain is not backing up. Check for blocked drains. The sink and drainpipe must be able to carry away no less than 17 gallons (64 L) of water per minute. The water can back up from the drainpipe or sink if clogged or slow.
Check the household plumbing (laundry tub, faucets, drainpipe, water heater, and water pipes) for leaks.
CLICK HERE for more information on proper drain hose installation
Is your washer correctly leveled?
Water may splash off the basket if the washer is not level. Check that load is not unbalanced or tightly packed.
Is your washer correctly loaded?
Improper loading can cause the basket to be out of alignment and cause water to splash off the tub.
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