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Product Help | Whirlpool

Suds When using "No Splash" or "Easy Pour" Liquid Chlorine Bleach

Experiencing too many bubbles in your Whirlpool washer?

Did you use "no splash" or "easy pour" liquid chlorine bleach? 

This type of liquid chlorine bleach contains a thickening agent that may create excess suds in washers.

Splashless liquid chlorine Bleach

If this is the case, run the washer empty, using regular liquid bleach products, or clean with affresh® washer cleaner before running another load. Either reduce the amount you are using or use only regular liquid chlorine bleach.

Run the "Clean Washer" cycle monthly using affresh® to keep the washer fresh.

Cleans even where you can't see

affresh® cleans deep inside your appliances reaching components such as the tub, racks, pump, valves, drain, and recirculation hoses.

Cleaners are available at many retailers or can be purchased here at affresh®.

affresh logo1.jpg

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