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Product Help | Whirlpool

F0E2 - Error Code

Possible Solution

F0E2 - Over Suds Detected 

The washer detected too many suds during the cycle, and your load may not be fully rinsed, or water may not be fully removed. You may want to select a Rinse/Spin cycle for further rinsing. 

Did you use High Efficiency (HE) detergent?

Use only High-Efficiency (HE) detergent. Using non-HE detergent or more than the manufacturer's recommended amount can cause excessive suds. The excess suds can cause the washer to run at a reduced spin speed, which may result in very wet loads. It can also increase the cycle time due to increased rinses trying to eliminate the suds.

Which detergent should you use?

Whirlpool recommends using Swash® Laundry Detergent. It is designed to work in both high-efficiency (HE) and non-HE washing machines. With an 8x concentrated formula, you’ll use about a quarter of the detergent you’d need with a traditional 2x concentration detergent. It may look like a small amount, but you’ll be amazed at its effectiveness.

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Did you use "no splash" or "easy-pour" liquid chlorine bleach?

This type of liquid chlorine bleach contains a thickening agent that may create excess suds in washers. If this is the case, run the washer empty, using regular liquid bleach products, or clean with affresh® washer cleaner or another washer cleaning product before running another load.

Cleans even where you can't see

affresh® cleans deep inside your appliances reaching components such as the tub, racks, pump, valves, drain, and recirculation hoses.

Cleaners are available at many retailers or can be purchased here at affresh®.

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Still need help? Contact us or schedule service.

Please contact us or click below to make an appointment from our preferred list of service providers for service on your appliances.

Interested in purchasing an Extended Service Plan?

Please click below to learn more on how you can save up to 25% on New Appliance Extended Service Plans within 30 days of your appliance purchase.

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