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Product Help | Whirlpool

Not Making Ice - Exisiting Installation - Quad Door

Possible Solutions

Is the ice maker turned on?

Depending on the model, there are two different ways to turn the Ice Maker off/on

Style 1 - Ice Maker in Freezer

On the underside of the Ice Maker, there is the ON/OFF switch; "o" is OFF, and "-" is ON

Quad Door IM.jpg

Style 2 - Ice Maker in Refrigerator

Click on the Settings button on the display.  Scroll down to the "Tools/Set Up" section and select "Ice Maker." The display will either show an "On" or "Off" status. 

Does the Ice Maker need to be reset? 

For models where the ice maker is located in the freezer section, there is a reset button on the underside of the Ice Maker, locate the power switch and the test button. 

  1. Cycle Power to the Ice Maker by turning it off and then back on
  2. Use your finger or pencil eraser and hold the test button for 5 seconds.  The Ice Maker will start its test cycle. 

Is there a kink in the water supply line?

A kink in the water source line can reduce water flow. Straighten the water source line to restore adequate water flow and pressure. To help reduce the chances of a pinched water line, do not push the refrigerator too far back against the wall or cabinet.

Ice Maker jammed?

Check to ensure no ice cubes are stuck or jammed in the ejector's arm. Remove ice from the ejector's arm with a plastic utensil.

Does your water filter need to be replaced? 

It is recommended that the water filter be replaced every six months when the indicator light comes on or as needed. A clogged water filter can cause several issues, including reducing the amount of water being dispensed. Replacing your water filter regularly will also help reduce the number of containments in the water supply.  

Whirlpool recommends using a EveryDrop® water filter.


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